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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why take a Photoshop Classes?

What is Adobe Photoshop?

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most powerful graphics editors in the world today. It is produced, developed and published by Adobe Systems. Photoshop version 1.0 was originally released in 1990 for Macintosh, but now extends across multiple platforms. Currently, Adobe is the leader of the market for image manipulation and commercial bitmapping. For many years, she was the flagship Adobe Systems feature and developed a loyal and almost fanatical suite.

The current Version of Photoshop

Since its conception in 1990, Adobe constantly maintained and supported with multiple versions and upgrades of the software. The current iteration, Photoshop CS3, was released on April 16, 2007. The new features of Photoshop CS3 include the possibility to apply non-destructive filters to images and incredible new selection as quick selection tools and refine Edge. Adobe Photoshop CS3 adds additional functionality specialized such as 3D modeling, Imaging Science, video, and manipulation of even high line film. In January 2008, the Wine project has announced official support for the version of Photoshop CS2. This allows the version Windows of Photoshop CS2 to be used on Linux and other Unix platforms.

What can do the Photoshop?

Main foci of Adobe Photoshop is design, alteration and amendment effects. Newer versions of the spotlight animation, creation, and media editing software. Even the most basic Photoshop user can benefit from a truly wide range of digital creation and manipulation tools. Adobe has also used its resources for the software translated into several languages as in Russian, Spanish, French and many other traditional languages. It really is Photoshop a global product.

Why learn Photoshop from Adobe?

Mission to learn the techniques of Adobe Photoshop can be a difficult and daunting task. Online courses, seminars on Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Classes can flatten the curve of learning with little or no cost to the student. Surprisingly, the range of Photoshop courses cover image one touch simple manipulation and correction of complete digital restorations. Online tutorials usually consist of videos at your own pace and can offer a wide range of techniques of elementary to progress. When all beginnings, simple video lessons can provide a strong base that can be built on fee and minimal effort.

After that the basics are mastered, discover the wide selection of books written specifically for your version of Photoshop. With a little time, patience and practice almost anyone can open a new door to their creative universe.

Mr. Whiteside was seen as an Adobe Photoshop expert for 10 years. For more educational information on Photoshop, please visit if you are interested in learning Photoshop online go to video tutorials free of charge.

Adobe Photoshop Course - videos and tutorials Photoshop online database

If you are just getting started with Photoshop, the best way to learn is with Adobe Photoshop course that has videos and tutorials based Photoshop. The videos are a great way to follow with an expert in Photoshop warned that they teach the basics of Photoshop.

When I am first started me, I used a book which was published by Adobe for trying to build my knowledge base. Although the book was useful, it was limited in that it was sometimes does not clear what the book spoke, so I wasn't sure if I learned correctly or not.

With online Photoshop basic and video tutorials, however, it is much easier to learn Photoshop online and make sure that you learn the right way. Many of these videos are shown as if you view of Office of the Professor, so it is easy to follow exactly what was going on.

The many basic Photoshop tutorials out there learn you everything you need to know to start with Photoshop. Most of these tutorials have thus only written video steps so that you can follow.

If you are looking to build your own course Adobe Photoshop find your own base Photoshop tutorials and videos, you should start with lessons on the interface and tools for Photoshop. Also, try to find a few lessons on layers, which is one of the most important aspects of Photoshop. This will help you build a solid foundation for more advanced techniques later.

You get master the basics, move on to more difficult videos. These videos will really push what you can do, but you will give the possibility to create awesome Photoshop compositions. You must always seek to learn that you expand your personal course of Adobe Photoshop.

If you are difficult to find good videos from the outset, you might consider paying for a course in Adobe Photoshop. One of the best Photoshop for example, that a lot of easy to follow, step by step videos that will help you quickly master the basics of Photoshop.

If you want more information about the various courses of Adobe Photoshop, visit , both have some great information on courses of Photoshop and Adobe Photoshop that could help you save money as well.

Learn Photoshop online - using Photoshop keyboard shortcuts

If you want to learn Photoshop online or by any other means, one of the most important and time saving tools is to customize your keyboard shortcuts for Photoshop. If you have Photoshop CS or later, Adobe allows you to add keyboard shortcuts, so you can quickly access your most commonly used items such as filters.

Here are the steps to customize your keyboard shortcuts for Photoshop. First of all, you want to open the Edit menu and go to "of keyboard shortcuts. This will bring up a dialog box called "keyboard shortcuts and Menus. As you can see, there are a multitude of elements that you can assign shortcuts to.

Then choose the setting and shortcuts that you want to use or make changes to. It's the first drop-down two menus of the dialog box. Find the element you want to create a shortcut for (such as a filter or a tool), click it, and then type in the shortcut. Finally, click on accept, and then save it in button next to the menu "Set". That's all!

I would recommend not simply go and set up a shortcut key for Photoshop for every little thing, especially if you are just starting. First of all to learn the basics of Photoshop, and then you use Photoshop more and more, you'll see a pattern of some of the tools, filters and options that you use more than others. Those who are those that you create shortcuts for, as that will save you much time at the end.

If you are not comfortable with the basics of Photoshop yet, I suggest learning Photoshop online. There are probably hundreds of sites out there that provide free tutorials on various techniques for Photoshop. Unfortunately, it is a little difficult to find videos right in the correct order, so you can learn Photoshop step by step.

There is, however, available for relatively inexpensive courses (probably $100 or less), which provide an easy to follow video tutorials for learn you Photoshop online. These videos go in order and you will help to quickly master the basics of Photoshop. One of the best there is for example, Photoshop that provides more than 50 training videos that you can follow along.

If you are looking for more information about Photoshop and how you can learn Photoshop online, visit There is information to help you save money on Photoshop, as well as a comparison of different Photoshop training courses.

Learn Photoshop - painting with Photoshop

Both painting and erasing are simple with Photoshop. The painting tools in Photoshop are a fundamental part of just about anything you can do with this program. Not only can you paint in color, you can also make selections, create transparency and much, much more. Let's take a look at just a few of the more widely used tools in Photoshop such as the pencil, line, paintbrush, airbrush, eraser, paint bucket, and gradient tools, their functions, and their differences.

You can't paint without a brush. Photoshop 5, finds brushes in a floating palette, while Photoshop 6, the brushes palette are attached to the option bar as a drop-down menu. Many brushes are available from the standard to additional ones from the Photoshop CD. The shape, hardness, and spacing of the round brushes can be tailored, and you can also create your own custom brushes from any option that allow you to adjust sizing.

The brushes palette menu allows you to reset, save and load brushes. What are some basic brush palette functions? Photoshop 5: If you want to make a new brush without changing an existing brush, choose New Brush from the palette flyout menu. Double clicking on a brush permits you to modify the diameter, hardness, spacing, angle, and roundness while it changes that brush in your brushes palette. To rotate through the brushes in the palette while painting, use the bracket keys [ and ] to cycle through the brushes in your palette. Holding the shift key down while pressing the bracket keys will take you to the first or last brush in the palette.

Photoshop 6: When you make adjustments to a brush you can click the preset button to add it to the brushes palette. You can also choose New Brush from the palette flyout menu to make a new custom brush. Clicking on the brush preview in the options bar allows you to change the diameter, hardness, spacing, angle, and roundness. To adjust the brush size on-the-fly while painting, use the bracket keys [ and ]. Holding the shift key down while pressing the bracket keys will adjust the hardness of the brush. Try out the brush options and experiment with them for feel. You can return to the default brushes at any time by choosing reset brushes from the brush palette menu.

Now let's add that color. The most frequently used tools are the paintbrush and the airbrush. Paintbrush is most likely the tool you will be using for most projects. The shortcut key is B. The Paintbrush tool applies color to your project much in the way a conventional paintbrush would paint on paper or canvas. Other options in paintbrush include wet edges that applies paint more in the manner of watercolor paint or markers, a fade option in the options palette that can fade the opacity only in Photoshop 5.x, but can also fade the size and color of brush strokes in version 6 and a paintbrush options palette (Version 5.x) and brush dynamic menu (Version 6.0) are where you would go to make changes to the way Photoshop reacts to stylus pressure if you do not have a pressure sensitive tablet (if you do, you'll want to use your tablet's pressure sensitivity to achieve fading). The airbrush tool works more like a traditional airbrush or spray paint. Its shortcut key is J.

The airbrush puts paint on a bit lighter than the paintbrush tool, but when you hold your mouse button down without moving the cursor, the paint builds up just like it would if you were to hold the nozzle down on a can of spray paint. Instead of adjusting the opacity for the airbrush tool, you set the pressure. The higher the pressure is set, the thicker your paint will go on. The airbrush is particularly useful for painting delicate shading and highlights.

There are tools available more designed for drawing. The line tool is used to create straight lines and arrows. In Photoshop 5, the line tool short cut is N and the toolbox location is shared with the Pencil tool. The line width and arrowhead locations can be adjusted through the options palette in Photoshop 5.x. In Photoshop 6, the line tool is shared with the Shapes tool. In the options bar, you can decide whether to create the line as a shape layer, a path, or a filled region. The pencil tool allows you to apply paint color that always has a hard edge (like drawing in color). The shortcut key for the pencil tool is N in Photoshop 5.x. In Photoshop 6, the tool is shared with the Paintbrush and the shortcut key is B. Shift B toggles between the Paintbrush and Pencil tool.

You can cut corners and fill areas with color at a time. The Paint Bucket is the easiest of these painting tools, used to fill areas with solid color or patterns and works by filling with color based on color likeness chosen by the tolerance setting. The paint bucket has a blending mode menu and opacity control, just like the layers palette, allowing you to change the way the paint blends with the pixels you are painting on the same layer. The Gradient tool allows you to apply graduated color fills that blend from one color to another. Gradients are not just limited to two-colors. You can generate custom gradients using several colors and variable levels of transparency for unlimited effects.

The Gradient tool shortcut is G. In Photoshop 5.x, Shift G toggles the five types of gradient fill types. In Photoshop 6, the gradient fill type is selected from the option bar and Shift G toggles between the gradient and paint bucket tools. There are five types of gradients: Linear, Radial, Angle, Reflected, and Diamond. The transparency checkbox enables gradients with transparency; otherwise the transparent areas are filled with the neighboring color. Reverse flips the order of colors in the gradient. You can also use patterns as paint and fills in Photoshop.

In version 5, you need to define a pattern every time you want to use a different one. Defining a pattern is simple, just make a choice and choose Edit > Define Pattern. Anytime a pattern is defined, the tools and commands that required a pattern fill will show that option. When you want to use a different pattern, just select it and choose the define pattern command again. In Photoshop 6, pattern fills are selected from a menu of patterns in the options bar. To add a new patterns you just open the image and choose Edit > Define Pattern. Patterns can be used as fills with the paint bucket and the Edit > Fill command. You can also paint with patterns using the Pattern Stamp tool. This tool shares the toolbox with the rubber stamp tool. The pattern stamp works like a paintbrush, but instead of solid color paint, it paints with the presently chosen pattern. The aligned check box causes your pattern to line up even if you stop one brushstroke and start a new one. When aligned is unchecked, the starting point of the pattern is reset each time you make a new stroke.

Of course we make mistakes, so let's know how to fix them. The eraser tool shortcut is E. The standard eraser tool has four painting modes to choose from: paintbrush, airbrush, pencil, and block. The eraser tool paints in transparency, unless your layer is a background, in which case, the eraser tool paints with the current background color.

The eraser tool options are basically the same as the painting tools, with the addition of one new option: Erase to history. When you erase to history, it works just like the history brush. The Magic Eraser works just like the magic wand, but instead of making a selection, it immediately converts the pixels to transparent. The areas to be erased are controlled by adjusting the tolerance and contiguous options. Clicking once erases all the pixels that fall within the tolerance range. If the magic eraser is used on a background layer, the background is involuntarily promoted to a layer. This tool is best for when you have a background that is mostly one color. One click with the magic eraser and the background is gone.

The background eraser also erases to transparency, but instead of using only the tolerance range, it continuously samples the background colors in your document as you erase. It's useful for backgrounds that have a range of colors in the background, but where the background colors are still different from the foreground object you want to isolate. It works best with a moderately large brush. The most important thing to remember with this tool is to be careful to keep the crosshairs away from the object you want to keep. When using this tool, you may notice some bits of the foreground object becoming slightly transparent along the edges. You needn't be terribly concerned with this, because you can always paint those bits back in using the Erase to History option or the History Brush.

There are a few tricks and tips in Photoshop. Photoshop is set to show the painting cursors at the actual brush size. This setting can be changed through your Preferences (under the Edit menu in Photoshop 6; the File menu in Photoshop 5 and earlier.) In most cases you'll want to leave it set to brush size. You can toggle to exact cursors without going through the preferences dialog by locking the caps lock key. Anytime you have a painting tool active, you can press the Alt/Option key to temporarily change to the Eyedropper and pick up a new foreground color from anywhere in the document. You can adjust the pressure of the airbrush tool or the opacity of the other painting tools by pressing the numeric keys on your keyboard instead of going to options.

While a painting tool is active you can cycle through the blend modes using Shift -(minus) and Shift (plus). These shortcut keys also rotate through the layer blend modes when non-painting tools are active All the painting tools have the capacity to be faded using the Fade command. In Photoshop 5.x, this command is under the Filter menu. In Photoshop 6.x, it was moved to the Edit menu. After using any paint stroke, fill, or filter, you can select this command to fade it back so it blends with the original pixels. You can also use it to apply a blend mode if you forgot to set the blend mode before applying paint. Now with a little practice, you'll master Photoshop in no time.

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How to change the smoke photographs in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial: Processing Smoke Photographs

In this tutorial, I will show you how to process your smoke photographs using Photoshop. This is a follow up to the tutorial on "How to Photograph Smoke - Step-by-Step Tutorial."

If you want to know how to photograph smoke, please read the above article and then come back to this tutorial when you're done.

The main aim of this tutorial is to point out the key elements needed to bring out the smoke and make it more visually stimulating. I will be showing you my own methods that I learned through trial and error as well as tips from others. Photoshop has a myriad of tools that some professionals either don't use or even know existed, so don't be afraid to experiment.

For simplicity, I have written this tutorial with the novice Photoshop user in mind and hope it is quite easy to follow. To avoid confusion, I will not be using any Photoshop shortcuts, unless there is no other way to perform an action. If you know the shortcuts to the tasks I describe throughout the tutorial, then by all means use them.

I use Adobe Photoshop CS4, which has some new tools and features compared to older versions. However, there shouldn't be any confusion with control options as I will be using the most common tools which exist in all versions of Photoshop.

If you don't understand some parts or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me or leave a comment below and I will be happy to clarify.

Getting Started

I will be using the image below as the demonstration for this tutorial. It is the original RAW photo with no processing involved at this stage. As you can see, it has a few blemishes and does not stand out so much. We are about to change that in a few simple steps.

**[Demo Image goes here]**


Adjust RAW settings

NOTE: If you did not shoot in Raw format, then ignore this part and start from Step 2.

Open the RAW file in Camera Raw (opening the file in Photoshop will automatically launch Camera Raw) and adjust the settings you require.

Usually when I process my smoke photos, I tend to adjust only the basic settings such as the Temperature, Blacks, Contrast, Brightness and Clarity, but only if it is necessary. I find it easier to do everything in Photoshop with greater flexibility as you can isolate parts of the image.

I adjusted the following settings only:

Temperature: from 6000 to 5500
Exposure: +0.50
Blacks: +10 (5 to 15)
Contrast: +15 (25 to 40)
Clarity: +15

The results of these adjustments can be seen below. The circled areas are blemishes that I was not happy with.

**[Photoshop Screenshot-RAW Adjustment Before After]**


Open image and create backup copy

Once you have opened your image in Photoshop, it is best practice to create a backup copy of the image. This is so that you have the option of starting over if you make any mistakes or just don't like the results.

Here's how you create a duplicate layer:

Open the image in Photoshop
From the Menu Bar select the following: Layer > Duplicate Layer
Name the duplicate layer if you prefer. I tend to leave it as the default title "Background Copy"
Once you have created the duplicate layer you need to hide the original image. You do this by first selecting the image by clicking on it. If you did not rename the image when you opened it, then it should still be labelled as "Background" **[Photoshop Screenshot-Select Original Image]**
Now go to the Menu Bar and select: Layer > Hide Layers

Your layer should now be missing the 'eye' located to the left of the image. **[Photoshop Screenshot-Hidden Layer]**

This has made the original image invisible while you work with the duplicate copy above it. Now select the duplicate layer and you are ready to start editing.


Highlight Blemishes

Now you have your duplicate layer selected you need to check for any blemishes. Remember, the black background of the smoke photo must be 100% black - RGB 0, 0, 0.

If you adjusted the blacks in Camera RAW then it may seem that it's already pure black but, depending on the browser you are using, you may not be able to see it on your screen. However, if there are any flaws, they are likely to appear on other browsers.

To check for blemishes, spots, glare etc, do the following:

From the Menu Bar create a Levels Layer: Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels For easy reference later, leave the name of the new layer as "Levels 1." Also, make sure that the levels layer is located above the image layer you are editing, in this case the 'Background Copy.' If it isn't, then just click and drag the levels layer above it. **[Photoshop Screenshot-Levels Layer]**
Move over to the white levels slider and drag it all the way across to the left. This will highlight all the light colours of your image.

**[Photoshop Screenshot-Levels Adjustment]**

**[Photoshop Screenshot-Blemishes After RAW Adjustment]**

As you can see, the image on the left looks workable without any major blemishes. However, after highlighting the light colours you can see how much of the image needs cleaning up.


Remove Blemishes

Removing the unwanted blemishes is a very quick and simple task.

On the layer palette select the 'Background Copy' **[Photoshop Screenshot-Duplicate background selection]**
On the Tools Panel, Select the default Foreground and Background Colours by clicking the small Black and White icon. Make sure the Black is on top (Foreground) **[Photoshop Screenshot-Select Default Color]**
Then select the "Brush Tool" **[Photoshop Screenshot-Select Brush tool]**
Go up to the Options Bar and set both the Opacity and Flow to 100% **[Photoshop Screenshot-Opacity-Flow]**
Now brush over the blemishes making sure you don't go over the edges of the main smoke image. You can make it easier to brush around the smoke by zooming into the image and selecting a smaller brush. **[Photoshop Screenshot-Blemishes Removed + Zoomed]**
To zoom into the image go to the Menu Bar and select: View > Zoom In (shortcuts are displayed on the right) **[Photoshop Screenshot-Select Zoom In]**
Once you have finished perfecting the background, you need to delete the levels layer. If you need to adjust the levels then obviously keep it, but remember to bring the white slider back to its original position on the right. **[Photoshop Screenshot-Levels Reset]**

There are many other ways to be more precise with this task, but this demo image has a simple shape and not much intricate work is needed, so I won't confuse you by suggesting more on this tutorial. If you would like to know other methods then don't hesitate to leave a comment or contact me directly. Leaving a comment will be ideal as others can benefit from the responses.


Adding Colour

There are a number of ways to add colour to your image, but if you have many smoke images to process and little time on your hands, there is a very quick but effective method you can use. All you need to do is adjust the "Hue"

1. Go to the Menu Bar and select: Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation

2. Move over to the Adjustment Palette and play around with the Hue adjustment slider until you find the colour you like.

**[Photoshop Screenshot-Hue Adjustment]**

**[Photoshop Screenshot-Hue adjusted sample]**

And voila! You have a beautiful smoke photo with added colour. I told you it was quick and simple...:-)

If you want to get more creative, you can use the Brush tool and manually add the colour and gradient. This will require more skill and patience though. You can also create a gradient layer with two different colours and use Blending Modes like Overlay or Soft Light etc...

The other methods require an entire tutorial of their own. I am working on creating Video Tutorials for each specific method.

** Click Here to read this tutorial with all images and screenshots**

**If you want to know how to photograph smoke please read my tutorial about "How to Photograph Smoke" on my blog.

J.Hoque Photography.

Become an Expert in Photoshop in 10 steps

After working with Photoshop since version 4 in 1999, I realize that nobody really knows every thing that Photoshop can do. This makes it a great toy and tool, because there's always something new to discover. But you can learn most of it and keep learning. I recommend the following habits if you want to become a Photoshop Expert.

For this article, I'm defining expertise as being able to:

imitate something from real life (e.g. how shadows and light really work, how glass and water bend light).
guess with reasonable accuracy how a particular effect was created by someone else in Photoshop.
troubleshoot your own errors as well as someone else's.
manipulate pixels non-destructively.
work efficiently through the proper use of shortcuts, panels, actions, and tools.
know how and when to use most of the features in Photoshop.

Here are the 10 things I recommend you do if you want to be a Photoshop expert.

#1: Own the latest version of Photoshop

It's pretty hard to really experiment with Photoshop if you don't have your own copy at home. Having the latest version is important too. Particularly with the last two versions, CS3 and CS4, new features are added all the time. These features usually either make your job easier (like the Adjustments panel), or give you tools that didn't even exist in prior versions (like some of CS4's 3D capabilities).

I do recommend you purchase your own copy. Please don't used pirated stuff. If you are a teacher or student who is not using Photoshop for commercial purposes, you are allowed by Adobe to purchase the educational version at about half-price. It is as fully-featured as the non-educational version. You can usually buy this version at college book stores, or online at sites such as

You are allowed to run your Photoshop software on two machines. I have one copy on my desktop PC and one on my laptop for travel.

#2: Play and Make Mistakes

Experimentation and play is the key to learning something beyond the basics. Try out all kinds of tools and filters, and see what they do with different settings. You can't really ruin Photoshop. And if you do, you can reset all the defaults by closing Photoshop, then pressing and holding the Shift+Ctrl+Alt keys (Mac: Shift+Cmd+Opt) while Photoshop restarts.

Take a bunch of photos from your camera (or online) and throw them together. See how blend modes change an overall image as layers are moved around. Try all of the layer adjustments, and every filter combined with another filter. Don't worry if it's ugly. You're learning. And there's always the History panel to allow you to back up several steps and try something else.

#3: Take a Class

To be honest, I had an awful Photoshop teacher. He did little beyond schedule what we were supposed to complete in the textbook. I stopped going at one point. I had learned how not to teach, and four years later I was teaching Photoshop. What a good teacher can do is give you assignments you never dreamed you could do (and enjoy!) More importantly, a good instructor can give you personal guidance when you don't even realize you made a mistake, or there's a typo in the textbook, or you accidentally skipped something, and something goes wrong.

Finally, a good instructor will give you projects to do that give you real-world scenarios and specifications. This prepares you for making real money with Photoshop.

#4: Go to Seminars

Kelby Training provides absolutely fantastic seminars all over the United States. I have had teachers such as the amazing Bert Monroy and Dave Cross. These seminars have increased my creativity and efficiency in Photoshop beyond belief. The day-long seminar is always fun and very inspiring. Go to one of these seminars if you can, or find something comparable in your area.

#5: Read Photoshop Magazines

Photoshop User Magazine from NAPP is the undisputed master when it comes to American Photoshop publications. You can find it for $10 at book stores, or you get an automatic subscription when you become a NAPP member. You will need that NAPP membership to access the tutorial files online. Each issue has a bunch of tutorials at all levels, plus reviews of products and news about the industry. The magazine caters to photographers, designers and hobbyists alike.

Layers Magazine is great too, but does not cater just to Photoshop users. It addresses almost all of the Adobe design products. It only has a couple of Photoshop tutorials per issue. If you work with Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, and Dreamweaver as well, this mag's for you.

I also like to buy those really expensive ($15) imports from the U.K., such as Advanced Photoshop and Photoshop Creative. These can be found at book stores too. Unlike Photoshop User, they include a CD-Rom with every issue that provides all the resources for the tutorials, plus brushes, textures, and the like. These magazines sound like an awfully big expense at first, but they are so worth it. The tutorials are always very well done, and gorgeous to boot.

#6: Read Photoshop Books

Some Photoshop books out there are not so great, but most of them are really top-drawer. When considering a Photoshop book for purchase, look for three things:

Are the images really beautiful or interesting? I have a book here I taught from before I really evaluated the images. They are bordering on ugly. Find a book that makes you feel like you can't wait to create those images.
Is the book written to your level? It can be really frustrating if the instructions are too easy or too hard for your experience level.
Does the book match your learning style? Some books use blocks of text and others make each step into a bullet point. Some have more step-by-step images than others. Decide what works best for you and look for books written that way.

I do have three specific book recommendations. Each of the books below contains wonderful tutorials, and is written very well.

"Layers: The Complete Guide to Photoshop's Most Powerful Feature" by Matt Kloskowski

"Photoshop Fine Art Effects Cookbook: 62 Easy-to-Follow Recipes for Creating the Classic Styles of Great Artists and Photographers" by John Beardsworth

"Adobe Photoshop CS4 One-on-One" by Deke McClelland

#7: Do Online Tutorials

I love doing online tutorials. Some good places to find Photoshop tutorials are,, and If you work with online tutorials enough, you find some favorite writers. Look for tutorials writers who provide enough images, proofread their work, and don't leave steps out. You should be able to create a result that looks much like the one promised by following exactly what they have written. As with books, look for tutorials written to your skill level. But push yourself to do more challenging stuff than you're used to.

#8: Be a Community Member

This can take many forms. Sometimes I like to check out online Photoshop forums and see if anybody needs a question answered. I often find cool ideas for myself as well. I also hang out on Twitter, and follow a large number of fellow graphic and Web designers. They are always feeding me new links to incredible online resources. I have RSS feeds I read from my favorite design blogs, and I comment on all of the articles that move me. I read everything by and

There are design communities in the offline world too, of course. I am a member of the local group called ADAC. When I had more time a few years ago, I was even a board member. Real-world design clubs are a great opportunity to learn all about design in addition to some of the business aspects of freelancing (ADAC once had a great talk from an intellectual property attorney about copyright law for artists.) More importantly, you can come away inspired with fresh ideas by looking at the works of others.

#9: Learn Other Adobe Programs Too

Photoshop rarely works in a vacuum for most designers. There are many times when a Photoshop project is enhanced by the contributions of artwork done in Illustrator, for example.

Learn how to save your work for the press using Acrobat. Learn how to create vector artwork in Illustrator and import the paths into Photoshop. Learn how to place your Photoshop files into InDesign. Learn how various Photoshop plugins can expand your design horizons or make your work easier. These are but a few examples. A thorough understanding of Photoshop must include an understanding of how well it plays with others.

#10: Teach Photoshop

I wasn't a Photoshop expert when I started teaching Photoshop. I am now, thanks in part to having taught it. Teaching Photoshop helped me develop my expertise in ways that no other experience can. When you have to communicate how to do something to someone else, you come to understand it in a way that sets it in concrete in your brain.

I often get my students to find something new to learn, and then have them turn around and teach it to another student. And when both students make mistakes during this teaching process, they both learn more. Writing tutorials - and finding out if someone can follow them - takes this concept step further.

Dawn Pedersen
Blue Lobster Art and Design
Web Design, Graphic Design, and Design Tutorials

How photography master using Photoshop and Photoshop Tutorials

Those who are in the digital photograph almost certainly are experts when it comes to Photoshop. This software is essential in publishing normal photos to achieve artistic and perfect photographs with different types of effects such as the saturation of the appropriate color.

However, not all people have the knowledge when it comes to Photoshop and many people want to know how to transform a simple photograph in an artistic piece. If you want to learn the tricks of Photoshop, il just use some books and tutorials Photoshop. Most people rely in Photoshop tutorials especially learn new things because with Photoshop tutorials, they are not necessary to go through various books and seek the advice of their friends.

Tutorials Photoshop is designed to help everyone familiarize themselves with the software. You can find these free tutorials on the internet, which are generally divided into several categories so that you can be able to use faster and more easily. The classes include tutorials of photography, bases, special effects category, category texturing and web design tutorials. There are other websites offering different versions of the program where you can discover all of the lessons for the type of Photoshop, you use. With tutorials of Photoshop, you can easily learn tips and techniques in video, graphics, movies and special effects.

There are countless websites that offer Photoshop tutorials. If you start just to learn the basics, there are tutorials that are developed for these purposes. You can easily learn how to do simple changes such as how to remove red-eye, change the color of hair, awareness of the importance of the layers, retouching of images and the information about the different tools for changes to photography.

If you need complete instructions on the use of Photoshop, the internet can provide you with countless Web sites such as, which can help you learn to manipulate and enhance your digital photographs. Most of the tutorial sites offer downloadable files and instructions where you can get useful information.

The first thing you need to know before you begin to create a new file is to know how the software navigate dans. With Photoshop tutorials, you will learn easily the various actions and icons in the menu bar, palette, bar status and the box tools. Another important section of the tutorial is the part where you can learn how to work with your existing documents and photos. In this part, you can learn how to improve or enhance your document and images in your personal computer. You can open, crop, resize, display, and save documents with ease. In addition, you can learn different ways on how to edit photographs.

One of the most interesting elements in Photoshop tutorials is the part on the tools essential to the improvement, the establishment and the retouching photographs. In this section, you learn how to have fun with colors as well as know the more complex tools, including section lasso, wand, overlay tools and eyedropper tools.

In addition, website owners can also benefit from tutorials Photoshop especially in the advanced tutorials where they can learn ways on how to create a server hosting using Photoshop, make pages of introduction and easy navigation bar. You can choose from a wide range of tutorials which are not limited to fans of Photoshop only, but also for all those who need valuable information of Photoshop.

Although there are hundreds of tutorials on the internet, it is recommended to focus on a basic tutorial sites if you are really interested in learning something in particular and, finally, to seek more advanced tutorials. In this way, you will be able to learn everything that slowly. With free tutorials for Photoshop, it is not difficult for you to learn again every day things. Learn Photoshop is essential, especially with technological progress. You can not dream to become a graphic artist of world class but with sufficient knowledge of Photoshop can give you the edge in your career.

Davey Johnston has also published this article on its premier Adobe Photoshop Web site: you will find all kinds of resources on Adobe Photoshop and articles to help improve your skills in Adobe Photoshop.

Course training Photoshop - transforming Photos digital masterpieces

Have you always wanted to take photos like a professional? Have you gone and bought the best camera on the market today, but your photos are still too dark? You become so frustrated that you are ready to just chuck all window? Before you do it, you might want to know that it is not your fault, even professional photographers have a little help making their photos look amazing.

Professional photographers have long relied on Adobe Photoshop to correct their photos. Photoshop is one of the best digital editing programs on the market today and is equipped with all the tools you need to edit your photos to give them the quality professional, as explained in this Photoshop tutorial.

To change the imperfections of the face and make your subjects look as if they stepped on the pages of a magazine, you can use the finger tool which removes wrinkles, acne and other any imperfection. Lose weight, it is not a problem with the liquefy Gallery in Adobe Photoshop. The tools I mentioned are only the visible tip of the iceberg, when it comes to what you can do with Adobe Photoshop.

We do not always find the perfect lighting conditions and subsequently our photographs can turn on Photoshop too dark, use, you can use the tools of the brightness and contrast as if your photo was taken under lighting conditions perfect. Every wonder how professional photographs always look so perfect? You know now that even professionals rely on the incredible array of tools Photoshop to improve their photos.

Yet again, it is only some of the tools available in Photoshop. Quickly and easily move from the subjects of one photo to another. Place you next to your favorite celebrities. With some adjustments to lighting and a bit of editing, nobody will know that it is false.

Grab your best companion of bikini! It is a little difficult but you'll certainly some laughter of friends. You can perform this trick more loads of other cool things with Photoshop. With hundreds of included tools you will be certainly able to create amazing results.

Restoration of old photographs is a job, you can accomplish. Simply scan in your black and white photographs and use Photoshop to remove discoloration and fading as well as fix tears. You can also add colors to your black and white to create amazing effects.

With the help of Photoshop, you have thousands of possible things you can do for your photos. I recognize that learn will that all take a little time but once you get the freezing it you will zoom along.

Turn your ordinary photos into something extraordinary with Adobe Photoshop. No matter if your problems are red eye or lighting that you rest assured knowing that Photoshop will save your pictures. Throw the towel and give up on your favourite hobby give Photoshop a try and watch your ordinary photos become extraordinary.

Photoshop is a very popular piece of software, which is used at all levels of the President of France (to tuck away his paunch of beer), at the level of fundamental changes every day. Really, this is a great to have on your PC addition and can be used to remove red eye, add and remove objects and the handling of the appearance of objects and persons.

You can virtually do anything for a digital photo with Photoshop, so go ahead and transform your photos digital masterpieces.

You liked the idea of this article? Curious on the search for a training Photoshop? Well now you can read this Guide free Photoshop....What are you waiting? Discover these recommended Photoshop training course today!

Photoshop training courses to improve your Photos

Adobe Photoshop is the hottest photo editing software on the market today. Regardless of your photography skills, Photoshop has something for everyone and will definitely transform your dull color photos into something spectacular.


During the installation of the program you will have at hand all the tools you need to edit, improve and modify your photos. The number of available tools guarantee that everybody will have what they need to create new or modify their existing photographic images.

With the help of Photoshop you can easily transform ordinary photos into extraordinary photographs. You ask what are the problems of Photoshop can fix?

In most cases problem any photographer faces is the terrible "red eye". Red eyes are usually light from the flash reflecting through the pupil of the object to the objective of the camera. Even with advances in technology even camera the most expensive SLR of today on the market today will have this problem. However, built in Photoshop is a tool with a single click can identify and eliminate red eyes.

The incredible thing is that Photoshop even removes red eye in photos of your favorite animal.

Black light is no longer a problem such as Adobe Photoshop brightness and contrast tools allow you to create clearer and more brilliant photos. The program can do a lot of amazing things, its main purpose is to clean up your photographs. Flash too bright or no flash at all? Using cursors in the brightness and the contrast button you can make your photo as if it was taken in perfect lighting conditions. We hope that you recognize that the use of Photoshop you can take a photo that you would normally throw and transform it into something that is incredible.

A trick I use often is the crop tool. You have photos of your friends probably however that there is always some stranger lurking on and you want to remove, with Photoshop is not a problem all. You can also preserve the texture of your image with the clone tool so that no one will know that you have deleted an object. This tool is incredible to erase the imperfections of the face, giving your subjects than quality "perfect model".

It is true that no one enjoys see plans close to themselves. In an attempt to them you will often hear complaints about the bags under their eyes, wrinkles, even the color of their skin. Modify the output as the do of it professionals using Photoshop.

It is the tools available in Photoshop that make the most of the models that see you next to print ads so incredible!

These are only a small part of the things you can do with Adobe Photoshop. Make use of this program and your own creativity to achieve extraordinary results. If you want the Gallery of quality, it is to your advantage to add your arsenal of tools of Photoshop. Use Photoshop to make ordinary photos extraordinary!

Adobe Photoshop is a Master mighty difficult, but it is now available an exciting new Photoshop courses that will help you master Adobe Photoshop software within 2 hours. It is now available an exciting new Photoshop courses that will help you master Adobe Photoshop software within 2 hours. The course was designed specifically to meet the needs of the users of Photoshop, then why not take a glance just how Photoshop this course will benefit actually your learning needs...

Have you found this article useful? Curious about this Photoshop course? Well now you can watch this video Photoshop... What are you waiting? Discover these recommended Photoshop training course today!

Learn Photoshop online - how to learn Photoshop

The best way to learn Photoshop online, in a Word, is "slowly." It is perhaps not the answer you are looking for, but Photoshop is one of these programs is extremely useful, but that comes with a learning curve that is more a vertical leap than a curve.

At least this is how it was when I learned first of Photoshop. To learn that Photoshop Online was not even an option. With the Internet and not just YouTube, but similar networks of online video, it is actually quite easy to become competent in Photoshop relatively quickly.

First things first, however, you must get a hold of Photoshop itself, which is actually rather expensive. However, there are other options, such as Photoshop Elements, which did not all gadgets to the full version, but could very well be what you need.

Once you have Photoshop, it is time to learn how to use it. There are a multitude of Internet sites that provide free tutorials. YouTube has also a lot of video tutorials, you can browse. Video tutorials are nice because you can copy that made the video in a sort of "over the shoulder" environment.

It may be a little difficult to browse all videos and tutorials, especially if you are Googling for them, then be patient to find the right ones for you. I also recommend to avoid the more cool tutorials looking at first because they often assume that you know how to use Photoshop, so that they may end up just to confuse you until you learned Photoshop online.

If you get frustrated, try to find the right videos to learn, it is probably better just go through an online course that gives you video tutorials step by step on how to learn the basics of Photoshop. Many of these courses are relatively cheap and can be really useful to revive your Photoshop education.

In my opinion, one of the best out there for the price is Photoshop for example. This course has more than 50 videos that are easy to follow, and they will quickly provide you with advice, tips and techniques for Photoshop.

I actually compared Photoshop for example with a few other I hope this will help you choose the best solution for you and help you master Photoshop in no time!

How to use the video Photoshop free tutorials to master Photoshop quickly and easily

Free Photoshop video tutorials are a great way to learn how to use the Photoshop program. They say that if you listen you forget, if you remember, and if you do you will include. Similarly, listening to and watching the video tutorials on Photoshop and following along in your own program, you do all three together.

Watching an expert to operate the program Photoshop, you have the better chance of learning and also to remember and understand what you have learned by any other method of learning.

And Photoshop video tutorials are nothing else than films from the operation of the program of Photoshop expert. You are actually "looking over the shoulder" of the expert and watch each click of the mouse.

You can read instructions, manuals, books by other authors and websites on Photoshop. But to learn quickly and clearly, nothing beats learning Photoshop video tutorials.

With Photoshop video tutorials, you can see how buttons, collages or even paintings and in full effect - Yes websites Web - sites is created. Instead of painstakingly reading books describing what must be selected, activated and a click, you can simply mimic the movement of the mouse and clicks in the video, knowing that you really exactly the right thing.

The learning curve is easy to mount and the results are easier to compare.

Not only, you can look at how it is made from the beginning to the end, and sometimes you can even have explained why it is in this particular way.

Sean Dodge wrote on his blog and the article entitled "5 important criteria that make a great Photoshop tutorial". But Sean is written on the screen-and-text tutorials step by step screenshot, video tutorials. In fact, I have even found an article discussing the format of Photoshop video tutorials.

Do you ever have a mockup Photoshop for a Web site design before getting down and dirty with the code? Then examine the program SiteGrinder.

Basically, SiteGrinder program turns Photoshop into an easy to use and fully functional web design tool. With SiteGrinder, designers will now have the freedom to totally let their creativity loose and then, without skipping a beat, transfer their creations on the web.

Allows SiteGrinder that you design web pages with dynamic text, used for example in a database and "cast" in a web page containing the code. Examples are weblogs and the contents of content management systems. It is difficult to believe that a plug-in Photoshop should be able to do so, but it can be done and quite easily.

There is a collection of free video tutorials showing the proper use of the various techniques of SiteGrinder to build web pages from Photoshop documents.

There is no way that the same information may be exercised unless effectively through video tutorials.

A tutorial Fabio PSDTUTS shows how your can recreate an effect realistic watercolor research with the Photoshop brushes. Fabio shows how hair can be re-made with popular watercolor brushes from Bittbox. This tutorial is static screen shots and text. I think that it would be much more interesting and useful if it had been a Photoshop video tutorial instead.

Another Fabio Photoshop tutorial shows how to "create a spectacular Flaming Meteor effect on text". But once again, this is a screenshot tutorial and text not a video tutorial of Photoshop.

Photoshop video tutorials, you learn how to get the color more compatible with the videos on the color management with regard to Photoshop. Resources include detailed information on the calibration of colors, using ICC profiles and how to obtain the results of uniform color in Photoshop.

This means that you can prerecord the actions or processes in Photoshop that you can then save and turn into a button that you can then simply click and Photoshop will be the entire action for you. It is used primarily as a device to win saves the hassle to do the work as basic photo fixing and cleaning of your analyses so that you do not have to repeatedly and repeatedly because you can just click a button that you created.

The procedure for this is explained in the video tutorials for Photoshop.

If you run a huge zoom you can make Photoshop pause, while it appears that should be drawn. Photoshop CS4 has nothing of all this: zoom in from 3% to 1600% is if rapid and smooth it is as if you're falling into the image.

The file browser has been presented as a major Photoshop 7 update and has been subsequently enhanced in Photoshop CS. When a directory is seen for the first time, the file browser or the bridge will construct a cache of the images in preview.

Plugins can be opened in Photoshop and act as a mini-éditeurs to change the image.

As for storing your images Photoshop, RAID 0 is very useful for temporary data such as page files and the placement of scratch disk in Photoshop. It is not recommended for files, you need to keep.

There are many sites on the various aspects of Photoshop, but to find them all and learn what is on each of them can be very time-consuming. Fortunately, there is a website that did a lot of research for you. This particular site has hundreds of Photoshop video tutorials and they are all free to watch.

The tutorials were screened for relevance and quality by the owner of the Web site and arranged in logical groups according to the subject covered so that it is easy for the user to quickly find the best Photoshop video tutorial that answers to its questions.

Free tutorials for video Photoshop [www.][]

Photoshop tutorials for beginners

Tutorials Photoshop is the course on Photoshop. Learn the ins and outs to get the most of course and a general overview of the Photoshop for the Web product. You view and imitate Photoshop tutorials for saving files, display and use cursors. Learn Adobe Photoshop transparent, ranges, units, rulers, grids and guides. You will learn how to use plug-ins and scratch disks of Photoshop. You will be taught the bases of the memory of Photoshop and the image caches.

You will learn the basics. You will become familiar with areas of the screen, layers and their styles, management of assets, actions, droplets and the creation of new images Photoshop. You will learn how to open and images of the bucket, how blending modes and how to use and understand the differences between bitmap and vector graphics.

The techniques and tools that make Photoshop such a product are part of the next series of tutorials. Now is when you will learn about navigation, the beginning and intermediate painting, drawing, forms creation and beginning and advanced selections. You will learn filling, changes in cropping and clone, and modification through sampling, annotation and editing.

Now is when you become qualified architecture and delivery of the Internet and learn more about the origins and the behavior of the Internet and the World Wide Web. You learn the meaning and reasoning behind the structure of Web pages and how to manage and use animation and graphics architecture.

Then on the Photoshop tutorials agenda is the lessons both optimization and download, the compatibility of browsers and platforms, history table of offsets, JavaScript, browser, absolute positioning, the resolution of monitors, interpolation and the forms of images.

The Web color is an important part of the use of Adobe Photoshop. You need to know the mode of color, how to choose their and specify, how to choose the color that is safe for the Web, what monitor bit depth is all about the way in which the browser can compensate for the colors that are worn missing and how to register for the Internet.

The use of type is also part of these Photoshop Web tutorials. You discover the various types of type and take lessons from beginning and intermediate by setting the type of chart.

A preview of the image formatting will be part of Photoshop tutorials, and training several CDS for Gif. The table of research of the color, LZW compression, dithering, color, transparent, matte reduction algorithms and avoiding halos appear to these. JPEG is part of the tutorials, the overview and savings.

In the Photoshop Web tutorials, you will learn how to work with photos, create the background and layer styles.

Master the basics of Adobe Photoshop with my easy-to-use Photoshop video tutorial. For more information:

David Peterson is a writer for which is a great place to find photoshop links, articles and information. For more information, go to: Photoshop Tutorials

David Peterson is a writer for which is a great place to find photoshop links, articles and information. For more information, go to: Photoshop Tutorials